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Arctic Circle
  • Jun 7, 2021

Greenland in the Arctic: Launch of a new Arctic Circle Mission Council

Official launch and first VIRTUAL Dialogue of the Arctic Circle Mission Council: Greenland in the Arctic

H.E. Pele Broberg, Greenland's new Minister for Industry, Trade, Foreign Affairs and Climate discusses Greenland's Foreign Policy and answers questions from the global audience.

Co-chaired by: Honorable Össur Skarphéðinsson, former Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland; Chair of Iceland’s Commission on Greenland and Honorable Sara Olsvig, former Vice Premier and Minister for Social Affairs, Families, Gender Equality and Justice; Current Ph.d. Fellow, University of Greenland.

All questions for H.E. Pele Broberg were submitted by the global audience either before or during the event.

Pele Broberg

Minister for Industry, Trade, Foreign Affairs and Climate

H.E. Pele Broberg has been politically active since 2018, both as a member in the Greenlandic Parliament and as the Minister of Finances in 2018. He was born in 1972, is married and has 2 children. Prior to his involvement in politics Broberg was part of the private sector for 25 years. One of his many activities was serving as head of the Greenlandic-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce. He is a trained pilot and Bachelor of Science in Economics and International Business Administration.

Sara Olsvig

former Vice Premier and Minister for Social Affairs, Families, Gender Equality and Justice; Current Ph.d. Fellow, University of Greenland

Honorable Sara Olsvig is former Vice Premier and Minister for Social Affairs, Families, Gender Equality and Justice. She was elected to the Greenlandic Parliament in 2013 and served as the leader of Inuit Ataqatigiit party from 2014-2018. She represented Greenland in the Danish Parliament from 2011-2014. During her time in politics Olsvig served as the Danish Parliament's representative in the Standing Committee of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Regions and as Chairwoman of the Conference of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region. She is currently a Ph.D Fellow at the University of Greenland.

Össur Skarphéðinsson

Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iceland; Chair of Iceland’s Commission on Greenland

Honorable Össur Skarphéðinsson is an Icelandic politician who served as Minister for Foreign Affairs from February 2009 to May 2013. He was appointed Minister of Industry, Energy and Tourism for the Social Democratic Alliance in May 2007. He was also Minister for Nordic Cooperation from 24 May 2007 to 10 June 2008. He was a member of the parliament (Althing) for the Reykjavík Constituency from 1991 to 2003, and for Reykjavík North Constituency from 2003 to 2016. Mr. Skarphéðinsson was Chairman of the Social Democratic Party parliamentary group from 1991 to 1993, Minister for the Environment from 1993 to 1995, and Chairman of the Social Democratic Alliance from 2000 to 2005.

Members of the Arctic Circle Mission Council on Greenland

former Vice Premier and Minister for Social Affairs, Families, Gender Equality and Justice; Current Ph.d. Fellow, University of Greenland
Former Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iceland; Chair of Iceland’s Commission on Greenland
Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Statehood and Foreign Affairs
Chief Sustainability Officer, Air Greenland
Head of Mission, Greenland Mission to the EU in Brussels.
Vice President, International & U.S. Government Relations WaveAerospace
Professor of law at the University of Akureyri and at Ilisimatusarfik (the University of Greenland)
CEO Amaroq Minerals
Climate Policy Advisor, Head of Greenland Practice at Kaya Partners
Professor of Northern Studies & Barents Chair in Politics, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway
Founder and Director, Isuma Consulting
CEO / Managing Director at Samtök fjármálafyrirtækja (SFF) Finance Iceland

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