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Arctic Circle

Grímsson Centre

The Grímsson Centre is a new innovative model for global cooperation in the 21st century. It is a hub for creativity and dynamic engagements, where anyone with ideas, proposals or projects that address pressing global challenges can connect to a larger community with a shared vision for a healthy Planet.


In light of the success of Arctic Circle, the Prime Minister of Iceland decided in 2021 to initiate a process that led to the creation of the Grímsson Centre, Stofnun Ólafs Ragnars Grímssonar; building on the extensive international cooperation through the Assemblies and Forums as well as the legacy of President Grímsson’s international engagements, both during his 20 years as President as well as before and after.

The Centre was formally established under Icelandic law in 2022 as a non-governmental and non-profit entity. Its Board consists of representatives of Arctic Circle, the three major universities in Iceland as well as representatives appointed by the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister of Iceland.

Norðurslóð - The North Path

Norðurslóð, translated as "The North Path" in English, will be a building that not only reflects the 21st century progressive vision of international cooperation, sustainability and eco-friendly communities, but a hub for global creativity and innovation. It will house the future headquarters of Arctic Circle and serve as an international hub for activities and organizations that focus on the Climate, Arctic, Renewable Energy, Oceans and other global concerns.

See the Mission Statement for the building Norðurslóð, approved in January 2022.

Grímsson Fellows

Established by the Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson Centre in 2022

Grímsson Fellowships are open to scientists, researchers, experts, scholars and writers of any nationality. The fellows are invited to stay in the House of Grímur in the historic town of Ísafjörður, the capital of the beautiful Westfjords region in Iceland. In addition to the free stay, the Fellowship includes travel to and from Iceland, as well as a stipend contribution towards living cost.

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