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Arctic Circle
  • Jan 9–May 1, 2025
  • Online

2025 Arctic Circle Assembly: Call for Proposals

The Arctic Circle Secretariat is now accepting proposals for Sessions at the 2025 Arctic Circle Assembly, to be held October 16-18 in Reykjavík, Iceland. The submission deadline is May 1st.

Proposal Guidelines

Sessions run for 55 minutes and are held in auditoriums, lecture halls, board rooms, and open spaces throughout the Assembly Area.

Types of Sessions at the 2025 Arctic Circle Assembly:

  1. Day Sessions are held throughout the morning and afternoon on all Assembly days. Sessions in this category are aimed at in-depth presentations, discussions, roundtables, and workshops.
  2. Evening Sessions have more flexibility in duration, intended for gatherings with a more relaxed atmosphere, such as networking events, small receptions, game nights or film screenings. Please note that Harpa Concert Hall and Conference Centre can arrange drinks and light refreshments at the organizers' expense.

How to submit a proposal:

Proposals may ONLY be submitted via the Submission Portal. Please note that you must register as a user in the submission system to submit proposals. All messages regarding the proposal will be sent to the email address you provide when logging into the system.

Proposals must include the following:

  • The Session's proposed name (80 characters maximum)
  • Organizing body/bodies
  • Contact person(s) and contact details
  • Room setup (auditorium seating / round tables - please only select round tables if you intend to use them to facilitate discussions or other activities)
  • Promotional description of the Session (this text will be used to promote your Session on social media and in the Assembly App)
  • Description of the Session for the review process
  • List of speakers and speaker topics
  • Any special requirements
  • Affiliated websites

Important information

Please read the following information carefully:

  • At least half of the proposed speakers must be confirmed as willing and able to speak at the Assembly by the submission deadline.
  • As an open, democratic forum, Arctic Circle requires Sessions to include ample time for Q&A or other forms of audience involvement. In that spirit, Sessions are asked to limit themselves to seven (7) speakers (including moderator).
  • Organizers of accepted Sessions are required to have their speakers fill out an online speaker information sheet that includes providing a short bio (max 200 words) and a headshot (240x240 px). Speaker information sheets must be completed before August 1st. This information will be used to create speaker profiles in the Assembly App and does NOT equal registration for the Assembly.
  • All speakers and organizers MUST BE REGISTERED for the Assembly before September 20th.
  • While there is no fee for organizing Sessions at the Arctic Circle Assembly, organizers and speakers are responsible for their travel and accommodation, as well as the applicable registration fee for participation. Breakout Session Speakers get a substantial discount on the general registration fee.
  • Accepted Sessions are under full authority of the organizer. This includes the content of the Session and its speakers. Should there be significant changes to a Session, the Arctic Circle Secretariat needs to be notified for review and organizational purposes. This includes major changes to a Session topic and speaker list.


  • Governments, institutions, organizations, universities, think tanks, companies, and others can submit proposals. Individuals may not submit proposals without institutional affiliation/support.
  • Proposals must describe the Session's relevance to the Arctic, including its contribution to increased knowledge and/or awareness of Arctic issues.
  • Participation of Indigenous Peoples and diverse speaker backgrounds, affiliations and nationalities is strongly encouraged.

Any questions may be directed to

Frequently Asked Questions

What topics should the Sessions cover?

Sessions can cover any topic that is relevant to the Arctic. Programs from past Assemblies and Forums include all Sessions that have been accepted in the past.

What if another applicant is presenting on a similar topic?

The Arctic Circle Secretariat will make every effort to ensure that Sessions on similar topics will not be scheduled simultaneously. When appropriate, the Secretariat may also encourage applicants to co-organize a Session.

When will I know if my Session has been accepted?

Responses can be expected by the end of June 2025. A small number of Sessions will be accepted later, subject to availability.

What formats can Sessions take?

Sessions can take various forms, such as:

  • Announcements and presentations
  • Press conferences
  • Open or moderated dialogues
  • Forum debates
  • Workshops and interactive sessions
  • Townhall meetings
  • Panel discussions
  • Small group forums
  • Networking events
  • Small receptions
  • Game nights and film screenings
  • Fire-side chats

As an open, democratic forum, Arctic Circle requires Sessions to include at least 10-15 minutes for Q&A or other forms of audience involvement.

How can I promote my Session?

Accepted Sessions will be promoted on the Arctic Circle social media platforms in the months leading up to the Assembly. During the Assembly, Sessions will be promoted in the Assembly's printed program and in the Assembly App. You are encouraged to tag Arctic Circle in your posts and use #ArcticCircle or #Assembly2025 when promoting your Session on social media.

Is there a fee for organizing a Session at the Arctic Circle Assembly?

There is no fee for organizing Sessions at the Arctic Circle Assembly. Organizers and speakers are responsible for the applicable registration fee for participation, as well as for their travel and accommodation.

Organizers interested in having their Sessions recorded, catered or have other special requests are responsible for all associated costs.

Can my Session be scheduled for a specific day?

Due to the complexity of scheduling the a 150+ Sessions and the number of scheduling requests received, Session speakers should prepare to attend all days of the Assembly. The Secretariat takes all requests into account but cannot guarantee that they will be met.

Can I participate virtually in the Arctic Circle Assembly?

The Arctic Circle Assemblies are purely in-person events. As such, virtual participation is not facilitated.

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